
Thai neck, nape and head massage

45 min
150zł | 180zł

Thai face, head and neck massage is a relaxing and indulgent experience that focuses on bringing harmony to these parts of the body. It is a therapy based on traditional Thai medicine, using techniques from acupressure, reflexology and massage.


During a Thai face, head and neck massage, the person undergoing the treatment is usually in a comfortable sitting or lying position. The masseur uses gentle and precise movements that focus on the head, face, neck and nape.

Thai face, head and neck massage- for whom?

Thai face, head and neck massage is suitable for many people, especially those struggling with tension, stress, headaches and discomfort in the neck and neck area. This massage has both physical and mental benefits, improving relaxation and unwinding. Those interested in traditional Asian therapies may also appreciate this form of massage. However, it is always advisable to consult with a therapist before proceeding, in order to tailor the massage to individual needs and avoid potential contraindications.

Massage effects

Thai face, head and neck massage has many benefits both physically and mentally. It helps to reduce tension and stress, relieve headaches and muscle tension, and relax neck and neck muscles. It stimulates blood circulation, which has a positive effect on the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. The whole massage has a relaxing and restorative effect, promoting concentration and state of mind and restoring the body’s energy balance. Regular use of this type of massage can have long-term benefits for health and mental well-being.